Cleaning Gadgets Totally Worth Your Money

While cleaning is a chore that few people relish, there are some ways to make it less of a burden. To make your next cleaning session just a little bit easier, try out some of these cleaning gadgets that really are worth your money.


Electric Spin Scrubber
If you tire of the effort required to clean your bathroom, an electric spin scrubber could be the solution you have been dreaming about. Available in various sizes, these battery operated scrubbers take elbow grease out of the equation by doing the intense scrubbing for you. Get a larger one for tackling your bathtub or a toothbrush-sized scrubber for grout. The fast-moving scrub brush will make cleaning a breeze.

Motion-Activated Trash Can
Admittedly a luxury item, a motion-activated trash can is surprisingly useful for day-to-day living. Why are they better than their obsolete counterparts? The design ensures that the automatic lid traps any foul odors and similar to a foot pedal trash can, allows for hands-free disposal. The motion sensors ensure that the trash can is open and ready as you near it, making it ideal for quickly depositing dripping or messy items. And while it’s not technically a cleaning item, you’ll love how easy it makes the cleaning process.

Drying Rack
If you have delicate clothing items that cannot go in the dryer, you need a drying rack. A good drying rack can fold up with ease when not in use and will dry your clothes more effectively than simply draping them over the back of a chair or hung with a coat hanger. For items like sweaters that should be laid flat to prevent stretching, a drying rack is essential. 

Electric Mop
An electric mop can get a floor spic-and-span quickly. Whether you opt for steam mop to ensure that your floor is sanitized or a mop with electric spin scrubbers for help with hard to clean grime, you can be certain that your floor will be cleaner than ever before.

Keeping your home clean and tidy is essential to ensuring that your home feels welcoming and is free of health risks. Whether you are a messy person or a neat-freak, you’re sure to love these tools that will make your home sparkling in no time.


Jack Gomez
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