Pocono Jack

End of Summer Property Maintenance Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

As the summer winds down, many homeowners are looking to fall for their seasonal home sweep. But by completing several tasks now, when you have a more flexible schedule and longer daylight hours, you can prepare your property for the upcoming season. Below are a few tasks to tackle before fall officially arrives.

Clean and seal your deck. If you have a deck or porch that got a lot of use this summer, take the time to power wash it, or at least give it a manual scrub down. Once the area is clean...
Your House Exterior: The Mother of All Paint Jobs
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

If your DIY ambitions have reached epic proportion and you’re ready to take on painting your home’s exterior solo, weigh the decision carefully before proceeding. You’ll need to decide if you have the time and patience to do a detailed and thorough job. If you’re ready, willing and able, here’s how HGTV recommends going about it:

Step 1: Prep Your SurfacePriming your home’s exterior is essential to a good result. If you’re painting a new stucco home, let it cure for at least 28 days, otherwise t...
Open the Door to a Successful Sale
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

We use doors all the time. But how often do we really look at them? From entering a home to walking through rooms and into closets, we use doors in every step of the buying and selling process. If overlooked, doors can easily lessen a home’s appeal.

Here’s how you can entice buyers by improving the appearance of your doors:

Entrance: If you have a storm door, make sure the glass is clean. Or if a screen is installed, make sure it doesn’t have any rips or tears. Also, inspect the main doors lead...
Bathroom Staging Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

Your bathroom is a space you use every day. That’s why it’s important to make these rooms as appealing as possible when selling your house. By giving your bathroom some attention, potential homebuyers will be able to imagine themselves starting their morning in this room.


The first rule of staging any room in your home is to remove unnecessary clutter from the space. Consider packing up any products or medications you don’t use regularly, and find a new place to store jewelry or extra...
Small Projects to Help Sell Your Home Faster!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Small renovation projects can instantly take your home to the next level when trying to sell. Take some time on the weekend to accomplish these mini renovations that can be done in just a few hours. Your space will wow potential buyers in no time!

As easy as it is to get comfortable with the little annoyances, like a creaky door, they will stand out immediately to buyers and suggest that you might not be maintaining the house well in other areas, too. These simple projects can be done in no tim...
Front Porch Decor for Improved Curb Appeal
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Whether you're selling your home or want to create an inviting space in your entryway, choosing the right front porch decor is an important decision. Items on your porch should be mixed use and work with how you live in your space. Here are some ideas to consider:

Seating area

For an inviting front porch look, add seating. Some people enjoy a swinging chair hanging from the roof supports. Or you can choose outdoor furniture that matches your design aesthetic. Don't be afraid to use your front p...
Jack Gomez
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