Pocono Jack

4 Mantras to Make You Happy
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Some days, keeping a smile on your face can be a struggle. Whether you’re dealing with a stressful career, medical issues or just feeling weighed down by your daily routine, repeating positive mantras can help shift your mood—if you’re open to it.

Below are four helpful happy mantras to lift your mood.

You can do it. Whether you’re under a huge deadline for work or trying to finish that last mile on the treadmill, telling yourself that you can do it will make your success more likely. Be your o...
How to Keep the Inside of Your Car Clean
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

No one likes a crumby car seat or a dashboard covered in dust. But as our lives get busier, it seems our cars get dirtier. Below are tips for keeping your car cleaner.

Install a “no-eat” policy. This may be hard for those of us who practically live out of our cars, but by not eating in your vehicle, you will naturally reduce the level of mess inside.

Add a trash bag. Hang a small bag in your car to place receipts and paper trash in. Empty the bag once a week.

Carry a cleaning kit. Keep a rag an...
Vegetables You Can Buy Once and Regrow Forever!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Ever wonder how you could make your favorite vegetables last longer? You can, just by saving your vegetable leftovers and regrowing them in water. It’s a simple, cost-saving way to get the most of your veggies, keep your fridge replenished, and reduce your grocery bill!

For many vegetables, you only need to place the scraps into a bowl of water and they’ll start growing on their own. Of course, you should make sure that the container you use is appropriate for the size of the vegetable, and tha...
Ways to Stay Happy During Retirement
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

After working hard at the same job for years, you’ve saved up enough money and hit the age where you can finally retire. Congratulations! Retirement can be an exciting time full of new journeys, personal growth and, of course, some well-deserved R&R.

Although adequate savings and a responsible budget are essential for a happy post-work life, money isn’t everything. In fact, studies suggest many people have trouble adjusting to retirement, and some may even become depressed.

Now that you’re out...
5 Easy Ways to Brighten Your Day
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Is your daily routine bogging you down? Are you going through a hard time? Did you wake up feeling a bit blah? Of course, it’s normal to feel down every once in a while, but it’s also possible to find a way to brighten your day, even if you have to hardwire it. Here are five easy ways to help improve your mood:

Smile. The saying “fake it ’til you make it” has been proven to work when it comes to smiling. While it can feel painful to put on a faux grin, a few minutes of smiling a day really can...
5 Signs It's Time for a New Mattress
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

A good night’s rest helps you have a good day, not to mention stay healthy and alert. But if your mattress no longer gives you the proper comfort and support, it could mess with the many benefits of quality sleep.

Is it time for you to buy a new mattress? To help you decide, Consumer Reports offers these five signs that your mattress might be shot and worth replacing:

1. It’s a little lumpy. Lumps or deep indentations can happen over time, no matter which materials a mattress is made of. It may...
Best Practices for a Healthy Smile
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Practicing proper oral hygiene is essential for preventing cavities and gum disease, which can lead to pain, tooth loss and other health issues. Maintaining good oral health is especially important if you have diabetes, are an older adult or are pregnant.

To help you attack harmful plague, protect your teeth, stay healthier, and maybe even feel more confident when a cameraperson tells you to smile and “say cheese,” follow these tips from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

Brush y...
Jack Gomez
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