Pocono Jack

8 Ways to Unplug from Technology on Vacation
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Getting some much-needed rest and relaxation while on vacation is the perfect way to recharge and head back to work feeling refreshed. Unfortunately, it’s hard to fully disconnect from everyday life as technology updates us instantly on everything happening at our job and school, and in our personal lives.



However, you can make it a priority on your next vacation to unplug from your gadgets. The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health found that benefits of taking a brea...
Keep Your Electric Bill in Check This Summer
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Summer is known for its abundance of sunshine. However, as the temperature rises during these months, your electric bill often does, too. But not to fear! There are multiple ways to offset the high costs that accompany the much-needed cool air. Use these tricks to thoroughly enjoy the warm weather—without having to fret about your bills.




Let your AC breatheClogged, dirty air conditioning filters will disrupt air flow and reduce efficiency. Make sure to replace and clean filters every m...
4 Mantras to Make You Happy
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Some days, keeping a smile on your face can be a struggle. Whether you’re dealing with a stressful career, medical issues or just feeling weighed down by your daily routine, repeating positive mantras can help shift your mood—if you’re open to it.

Below are four helpful happy mantras to lift your mood.

You can do it. Whether you’re under a huge deadline for work or trying to finish that last mile on the treadmill, telling yourself that you can do it will make your success more likely. Be your o...
How to Keep the Inside of Your Car Clean
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

No one likes a crumby car seat or a dashboard covered in dust. But as our lives get busier, it seems our cars get dirtier. Below are tips for keeping your car cleaner.

Install a “no-eat” policy. This may be hard for those of us who practically live out of our cars, but by not eating in your vehicle, you will naturally reduce the level of mess inside.

Add a trash bag. Hang a small bag in your car to place receipts and paper trash in. Empty the bag once a week.

Carry a cleaning kit. Keep a rag an...
How to Avoid Post-Pandemic Overspending
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Filling up the gas tank? Nope.

Going to the movies? Nope.

Paying for day care? Nope.

Did you actually end up saving money during the great quarantine of 2020? If you’re like most Americans these last few months, you’ve buckled down, you’ve looked for ways to cut back, and you’ve hoarded cash. You saved like saving was going out of style!

Nearly 80% of Americans have saved money just by not going out to eat ($245 savings), not going on vacation ($1,400 savings), and not making major purchases ($...
Vegetables You Can Buy Once and Regrow Forever!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Ever wonder how you could make your favorite vegetables last longer? You can, just by saving your vegetable leftovers and regrowing them in water. It’s a simple, cost-saving way to get the most of your veggies, keep your fridge replenished, and reduce your grocery bill!

For many vegetables, you only need to place the scraps into a bowl of water and they’ll start growing on their own. Of course, you should make sure that the container you use is appropriate for the size of the vegetable, and tha...
Here’s How to Make the Most of the Longest Day of the Year
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

The summer solstice, or midsummer, occurs when the sun hits its highest position in the sky, resulting in the greatest number of daylight hours at any point during the year. Sol in Latin means sun, while stitium means to stand still. It is believed that solstice describes the sun appearing to stand still in its daily path.

While every culture has its own variation of beliefs about the solstice, there is a common thread that summer brings new life. As the summer sun presents itself radiantly, us...
Jack Gomez
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