Pocono Jack

Open Houses- Are They Worth It?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 5 months ago

Before Covid-19, open houses seemed to be a Sunday staple activity for would-be homebuyers. However, as the pandemic put a halt to almost all in-person activities, the number of open houses dwindled—sellers didn’t want strangers in their homes and buyers didn’t want to be in the company of too many people.

Although just 4 percent of buyers purchase their homes through open houses, 41 percent still visit open houses as their first step in the homebuying process. To overcome this hurdle, REALTORS...
What's Trending in Replacement Windows
CENTURY 21 Select Group 6 months ago

It is estimated that 30% of a home’s heat goes out the windows. Is your home long overdue for replacement windows? The first thing you will want to do is assess all the windows in your home to know if it is time to replace some or all of them. As an additional incentive, the energy efficient home improvement credit allows homeowners to take advantage of a tax credit for qualifying home improvements. Here’s what to look for.

Broken glass or damaged window frames can leave space for unwanted and...
Your House Exterior: The Mother of All Paint Jobs
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

If your DIY ambitions have reached epic proportion and you’re ready to take on painting your home’s exterior solo, weigh the decision carefully before proceeding. You’ll need to decide if you have the time and patience to do a detailed and thorough job. If you’re ready, willing and able, here’s how HGTV recommends going about it:

Step 1: Prep Your SurfacePriming your home’s exterior is essential to a good result. If you’re painting a new stucco home, let it cure for at least 28 days, otherwise t...
Open the Door to a Successful Sale
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

We use doors all the time. But how often do we really look at them? From entering a home to walking through rooms and into closets, we use doors in every step of the buying and selling process. If overlooked, doors can easily lessen a home’s appeal.

Here’s how you can entice buyers by improving the appearance of your doors:

Entrance: If you have a storm door, make sure the glass is clean. Or if a screen is installed, make sure it doesn’t have any rips or tears. Also, inspect the main doors lead...
Small Projects to Help Sell Your Home Faster!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Small renovation projects can instantly take your home to the next level when trying to sell. Take some time on the weekend to accomplish these mini renovations that can be done in just a few hours. Your space will wow potential buyers in no time!

As easy as it is to get comfortable with the little annoyances, like a creaky door, they will stand out immediately to buyers and suggest that you might not be maintaining the house well in other areas, too. These simple projects can be done in no tim...
Bathrooms are Trending Toward Space and Comfort
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

According to leading home designers, bathrooms today should be more than utilitarian spaces. They are increasingly treated as cozy oases intended to comfort and pamper.

If that’s your goal, here are a few good ideas for transforming your bathroom:

Enlarge it if you can. A good contractor can steal space you didn’t know you had, taking it from an adjoining room or a seldom-used closet and adding it to your bathroom space.

Use reclaimed materials. Old is new again as homeowners choose recycled ma...
Jack Gomez
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